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La Newyorkina

La Newyorkina steht für die trendige GranOla Marke aus der Gemeinde Olloniego in Oviedo, Asturien.

Pelayo Pérez und sein Team zaubern diese einzigartigen GranOlas in Handarbeit mit nativem Olivenöl extra, Honig aus Asturien und Erdnußbutter, anschließend werden sie mit speziellen Kakao vom Bauernhof gebacken.

Warum aber heißt ein spanisches Müsli La Newyorkina?

Ganz einfach: weil die Idee eine eigene GranOla Müsli Marke zu entwickeln vor einigen Jahren in einem Urlaub in New York City geboren wurde.

O-Ton Pelayo: It was a bad breakfast in a hotel in NYC, we were on a trip visiting the city in what would be the first stop on a journey that would take us to drive around part of the country. We were on holiday, yes, but we were also looking for something, we still didn't know what...

The hotel concierge, in perfect Spanglish, showed us the way that would change everything: "for breakfast go to the café in the alley, the food is amazing".

We arrived at the right time, always curious about what was new, we asked what it was that smelled so good, "homenade Granola" the waitress answered us while she served us the coffee.

Crunchy, tasty and combined with the acidity of the natural yoghurt, we instantly fell in love with it.

The rest of the day went well.... was a wonderful day and the city was inviting for a stroll. At lunchtime we decided to grab something to take away and enjoy it in Central Park, we went into Whole Foods to buy food and when we passed by the cereal shelf we saw a couple of interesting Granola proposals from small independent brands that were in what they consider to be the "supermarket of the future", the one that set the trends in food.

That afternoon in Central Park we began to imagine creating a Granola brand in Spain, the dream was to become manufacturers, to set up a bakery in Asturias. "The idea had come from NYC, it would be called La Newyorkina".

Hier finden Sie die gesamte La Newyorkina Erfolgsgeschichte

pro Seite
Feine Kombination aus Haferflocken, Agavensirup, mildem Olivenöl, geraspelter Kokosnuss, löslicher Tapiokafaser und Himalaya-Salz. Enthält wertvolles Gluten. In einem hochwertigen handwerklichen Verfahren zusammengestellt.
€ 4,45 exklusive Versand
entspricht € 16,20 pro 1 kg
Köstliche Mischung aus Vollkornhaferflocken, dunkler Schokolade und Mandeln
€ 8,09 € 9,00 exklusive Versand
entspricht € 29,42 pro 1 kg
Bio und veganes Müsli, glutenfrei Köstliche Mischung aus Vollkorn-Haferflocken mit Nüssen, Samen und Hanfproteinen
€ 7,73 exklusive Versand
entspricht € 28,10 pro 1 kg
Exzellente Mischung aus Vollkorn-Haferflocken, Honig, nativem Olivenöl extra, Nüssen und Trockenfrüchten. Bei schwacher Hitze in einem 100% handwerklichem Prozess geröstet.
€ 6,27 exklusive Versand
entspricht € 22,81 pro 1 kg
Köstliche Mischung aus Vollkorn Haferflocken, Crunch Granola ohne Zucker
€ 6,27 exklusive Versand
entspricht € 22,81 pro 1 kg